These guys are gorgeous. Rainbow flourite tumbled stones. These are great to meditate with, add to your ritual baths, carry with you or anyway you want.
Rainbow fluoriteKeywords: Truth, intellect, stability
Planet: Uranus
Fluorite is composed of calcium fluoride and is a member of the Halide family. It is transparent to translucent with a vitreous luster, and crystallizes in well-formed isometric cubes, nodules, clusters, or in massive form. It is the only common mineral with perfect cleavage in four directions, a characteristic that may be visible to the naked eye in clear stones as subtle etchings permeating the entire crystal. This cleavage frequently produces perfect octahedrons, and more rarely dodecahedrons and other complex forms, including penetration twins as if one cube were growing into or out of another. Fluorite is the reference mineral for a hardness of four on the Mohs Hardness Scale, making it too soft for everyday wear as a gem, though it is carved into wonderful faceted stones and sold as collector’s specimens or used in jewelry that is not subject to impact or abrasion.Fluorite is the great emotional equalizer. When your life is off kilter, with much of your energy going toward fixing problems and none of it going into self-care or fulfillment, the impending spin out seems almost inevitable. To bring yourself back into balance and avoid a breakdown, connect with the re-centering energy of rainbow fluorite. Fluorite helps to calm the mind, so that instead of trying to address a thousand thoughts at once, you can take things one step at a time. The energy of fluorite gently guides you to sort through your mental clutter. By cleansing away unfounded worries, fluorite makes space for positivity to flow in. As you sit with fluorite energy, let the powerful energy cleanse your spirit. This stone is known to cleanse all the chakras, before connecting with the heart chakra for an infusion of confidence, relaxation, and compassion. When calming stability of fluorite takes over, it helps you to see situations from a state of deeper understanding. Rather than viewing your life through the lens of chaos, you can assess situations with clarity. This internal structure and support that fluorite helps to construct translates outward into other areas of your life. Because once you have a solid foundation of peace, focus, and balance, stressful situations can’t topple your sanity. This makes fluorite energy one of the best stones to have around in case of emotional emergencies. When things get tense or cluttered, sort out your spirit with the soothing energy of fluorite.
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