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These are adjustable rings. The backs are open, so you can make them fit a lot of sizes. Each one has a double terminated clear quartz in the center.  These will come in a box with dried moss and dried flowers. 

Clear quartz

Keywords: Master healer, Clarity, Energy, Power

Element: All

Planet: Mercury, Uranus


Clear quartz is a silicon dioxide mineral,a member of the quartz group with a trigonal crystal system and a hardness of 7. It gets its name from the Greek krystallos, meaning ice ,as it was thought that clear quartz was actually ice formed by the Gods.

Clear quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet.

Clear quartz will amplify energy and thought,as well as affect other crystals. It absorbs ,stores,releases and regulates energy. Clear quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralizing background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalizes. Clear quartz also enhances 

 psychic abilities.

Double Terminated Clear Quartz Ring

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